November 14th – Mayo Clinic, Paris Descartes, CARPEM Symposium : Digestive oncology

The laboratory will be very well represented during this first symposium organized by SIRIC CARPEM, Paris Descartes university and the prestigious Mayo Clinic next November.


Organized by Pr Gérard Friedlander, Pr Pierre Laurent-Puig & Pr Jessica Zucman-Rossi the symposium will focused on Digestive Oncology and will be an opportunity to promote and set up new collaborations between international digestive oncology experts.

The event is sponsors by Inserm, APHP, CRC and HetColi consortium from HTE Program.

For more information visit the CARPEM website.


First HTE Program Workshop : Organoïds & 3D cultures – May 16 2018

We organized the 1st HTE Program Workshop in our building May 16th 2018, 10h-17h.

This first edition is free and will focus on organoïds and 3D cultures for the tumors heterogeneity studies. HTE Program partners and invited speakers will present their expertise in the field. A poster session will take place at the lunch and the day will end by a round table with the attendance.

Venue: Foundation Jean Dausset,  27 rue Juliette Dodu 75010 Paris.

Metro 2 : Colonel Fabien / Bus 46 or 75 : Grange Aux Belles/ Juliette Dodu

Agenda :

  • Stéphanie DESCROIX (Institut Curie – Paris)
  • Giovanni CAPPELO (CNRS – Grenoble Alpes University)
  • Pierre NASSOY (CNRS – LP2N – Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine)
  • Francesco PAMPALONI (Franckfort University)













Please feel free to register on this link :

HTE Program website is launched

The Heterogeneity of Tumors & Ecosystem Program,just launch is website. We are implicated in this consortium not only as scientists team (HetColi network) but also as coordinators of the program.

Just have a look to this link to discover this big consortium made of close to 40 multidisciplinary teams organized in 6 networks. The program will organize workshops and congrees during the next month. More to come quickly.