Advanced Technologies within FunGeST lab

Persons in charge

Gabrielle COUCHY
IE Inserm


IE Inserm

Illumina MiSeq

Manufacturer’s description: The MiSeq desktop sequencer allows you to access more focused applications such as targeted gene sequencing, metagenomics, small genome sequencing, targeted gene expression, amplicon sequencing, and HLA typing. New MiSeq reagents enable up to 15 Gb of output with 25 M sequencing reads and 2×300 bp read lengths.

Applications currently used: Targeted sequencing (paired-end 2x150bp) using multiplexed PCR for library preparation.

Applied Biosystems 3500 XL Genetic Analyzer (24-Capillary arrays)

Manufacturer’s description: Based on one of the most widely used, widely trusted sequencing methodologies available (Sanger sequencing) the 3500 Series Genetic Analyzer is designed to deliver the accuracy you demand. The 3500 platform can run a wide variety of applications, including de novo sequencing and resequencing (mutational profiling), microsatellite analysis, MLPA, AFLP, LOH, MLST, and SNP validation or screening.

Applications currently used: Sanger sequencing (read length up to 1000bp)

Nanostring nCounter Analysis System

Manufacturer’s description: The nCounter® Analysis System offers a simple, cost-effective way to profile hundreds of mRNAs, microRNAs, or DNA targets simultaneously with high sensitivity and precision. The digital quantification of target molecules and high levels of multiplexing eliminate the compromise between data quality and data quantity, producing excellent sensitivity and high reproducibility for studies of hundreds of targets. The system uses molecular “barcodes” and single molecule imaging to quantitate up to 800 unique transcripts in a single reaction.

Applications currently used: Gene expression and miRNA analysis on FFPE tumor samples

Fluidigm Biomark HD System 

Controller AX (Access Array 48.48), Controller HX (Dynamic Array 96.96), Controller MX (Dynamic Array 48.48)

Manufacturer’s description: Fluidigm’s revolutionary integrated fluidic circuits (IFCs) empower life science research by automating PCR reactions in nanoliter volumes. This means using less sample and reagent, and a single microfluidic device, to achieve the high-quality, consistent results your work depends on. The Biomark HD system runs IFCs in either real-time or end-point read modes, bringing flexible, efficient and economical PCR solutions to a range of applications such as digital PCR, gene expression, genotyping, library preparation for next generation sequencing.

Application currently used: Gene expression, genotyping and library preparation

Applied Biosystems 7900 HT Fast Real-Time PCR System

Manufacturer’s description: The Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System is the only real-time quantitative PCR system that combines 384-well plate compatibility with fully automated robotic loading. Acknowledged as the gold standard in real-time PCR, the 7900HT system combined with TaqMan®Assays enables you to achieve unprecedented throughput and flexibility, allowing you to pursue projects beyond the scope of previous real-time instruments

Application currently used: Gene expression analysis, allelic discrimination, library quantification

Operetta CLS High-Content Analysis System

Manufacturer’s description: The Operetta CLS system combines speed and sensitivity with the powerful and intuitive data analysis. It is a combination of technologies with a powerful, stable 8x LED light source for optimal excitation of fluorophores and confidence in results. It contains also a proprietary automated water-immersion objectives with very high numerical aperture enable high resolution and fast read times with minimal photodamage. The confocal spinning disk technology provides a fast and gentle imaging process, enabling efficient background rejection, live cell experiments, and 3D imaging. Its large format sCMOS camera delivers low noise, wide dynamic range, and high resolution for sensitive and quantitative measurements at short exposure time.

Application currently used: Fixed-cell assays, Live-cell assays, Complex cellular models, FRET assays, Phenotypic fingerprinting

Biotek MultiFlo™ FX

Manufacturer’s description: MultiFlo™ FX is an automated multi-mode reagent dispenser for 6- to 1536-well microplates. MultiFlo FX incorporates several unique technologies in its modular design, such as Parallel Dispense, RAD™ Random Access Dispense and the new, patent-pending AMX™ Automated Media Exchange modules to facilitate a variety of liquid handling applications from 2D and 3D cell culture to concentration normalization assays, ELISA, bead-based assays and more. A fully configured MultiFlo FX replaces up to five liquid handlers, saving space, time and instrumentation budgets.

Application currently used: Cell culture for automated reagent dispensing and washing (6to 384 wellplates)

TECAN HP D300 digital Dispenser

Manufacturer’s description: Fast and accurate determination of a candidate compound’s IC50 provides drug discovery biologists with valuable information for the development of new pharmaceuticals, yet traditional techniques are both time­ consuming and laborious, with no standardization across the industry. The HP D300 Digital Dispenser offers a simple method for streamlining your workflow, offering picoliter to microliter non-contact dispensing of small molecules in DMSO directly into your assay plate. Using HP’s Direct Digital Dispensing technology, this convenient benchtop solution requires almost no set up time, and single use T8 Dispenseheads virtually eliminate the risk of cross­contamination. It allows rapid delivery of any dose to any well, saving time, minimizing waste of valuable compounds and accelerating drug discovery.

Application currently used: Cell culture for delivery of pharmacological compounds in 96 and 384 well plates