Gastroenterology – Caruso et al – Analysis of Liver Cancer Cell Lines Identifies Agents With Likely Efficacy Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Markers of Response.


Item Data Details
Cell lines LCCL_description Description of liver cancer cell lines.
Cell lines Somatic_alterations List of putative somatic genomic alterations identified in 34 Liver Cancer Cell Lines by whole-exome sequencing.
Cell lines Fusion_transcripts Fusion transcripts identified in 34 liver cancer cell lines by RNA-sequencing.
Cell lines HBV_fusions HBV RNA fusions identified by RNA-sequencing among 34 liver cancer cell lines.
Cell lines Drivers List of the 252 cancer driver genes used to analyze association between drug sensitivity and genetic alterations in 34 liver cancer cell lines.
Cell lines RNAseq_vsn RNA expression in 34 liver cancer cell lines (vsn)
Cell lines RNAseq_FPMK RNA expression in 34 liver cancer cell lines (FPKM)
Cell lines microRNAseq_vsn microRNA expression in 34 liver cancer cell lines (vsn)
Cell lines microRNAseq_RPM microRNA expression in 34 liver cancer cell lines (RPM)
Cell lines Protein_expression Expression of 126 proteins analyzed by RPPA in 34 liver cancer cell lines (log2-transformed).
Cell lines/Drugs AUC Drug sensitivity in 34 liver cancer cell lines. Table of AUC values for each drug
Cell lines/Drugs GI50 Drug sensitivity in 34 liver cancer cell lines. Table of GI50 values for each drug
Drugs Screened_compounds Description of screened compounds.


Nature Communications – Bayard et al – Cyclin A2/E1 activation defines a hepatocellular carcinoma subclass with a rearrangement signature of replication stress.



Bioinformatics – Shinde et al – Palimpsest: an R package for studying mutational and structural variant signatures along clonal evolution in cancer.


Nature Communications – Letouzé et al – Mutational signatures reveal the dynamic interplay of risk factors and cellular processes during liver tumorigenesis.



Gastroenterology – Cornella H et al. – Unique genomic profile of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma.

23 FNC Samples SNP-arrays


Ref; GSE59443


Nat. Genet. – Schulze K, Imbeaud S, Letouzé E et al – Exome sequencing of hepatocellular carcinomas identifies new mutational signatures and potential therapeutic targets.

81 Hepatocellular carcinomas samples large-scale gene expression profiling


Ref: GSE62232


Hepatology – Nault et al – Telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter mutation is an early somatic genetic alteration in the transformation of premalignant nodules in hepatocellular carcinoma on cirrhosis.


Pathological Reviewing of HES, GPC3, HSP70, GS slides from 95 FFPE samples quoted for: mean of nodule size; steatosis; unpaired arteries; portal tract; inflammatory infiltrate; ductular reaction; cytological atypias; pseudoglandular formation; cholestasis; clear cell changes; ballooning; hyaline inclusions; Mallory bodies; and large and small cell changes in the adjacent nontumor liver. Diagnosis was based on established criteria of the international working party and of the International Consensus Group for Hepatocellular Neoplasia.




Rebouissou S et al. – Nature – Frequent in-frame somatic deletions activate gp130 in inflammatory hepatocellular tumours.

8 Samples


Ref: GSE11819




J Hepatol. – Rebouissou S et al. – The beta-catenin pathway is activated in focal nodular hyperplasia but not in cirrhotic FNH-like nodules.

8 Samples


Ref: GSE9536



J Biol Chem – Rebouissou S et al- HNF1alpha inactivation promotes lipogenesis in human hepatocellular adenoma independently of SREBP-1 and carbohydrate-response element-binding protein (ChREBP) activation.


Ref: GSE7473

Hepatology – Boyault S et al – Transcriptome classification of HCC is related to gene alterations and to new therapeutic targets.

Transcription profiling of 57 hepato cellular carcinoma tumoral samples, 3 hepatocellular adenomas, 5 non-tumoral poo


Ref: E-TABM-36:



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